Business Online

Is Seo A Waste Of Money?

It is very much debatable that if SEO is really effective and relevant enough for spending so much money on marketing your business. With all the ambiguity surrounding the process of SEO, sometimes it makes you think Is SEO something that really works or just a waste of money. SEO have long been in clouds of shadiness, due to the unprofessional or unethical short cut methods adopted by some individuals. The ever-changing Search Engine Policies also puts salt to the wounds.

Importance Of Seo

In order to conclude if SEO is still worth the money, you need to understand its importance for a business get more. When was the last time you searched something on Google or Yahoo? Did you bother to click on the next page? Well, I guess most of us, dont. This highlights how important it is for businesses, to land up on that Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). According to 2013 study shared in Wikipedia, the first page gets an astonishing 91% click through rates (CTR). So its important to be on the first page to attract more visitors on your websites.

Seo Vs Ppc

PPC stands for pay-per-click. It is a paid method to attract visitors to your websites oppose to attracting visitors through organic search results. PPC is available on many platforms, including search engines. You can find these paid advertisements pop up on your searches on Google. PPC, is a more instant way to appear on that front page contrasting the slow and more organic SEO methods. Keep these following points in mind if you are opting for PPC over SEO.


Although PPC depends on the clicks by the visitor but it can get very expensive in a blink of time. If you have the right keywords for certain searches, you are more likely to get more clicks by the searchers resulting in huge bills. On the other hand, SEO is less expensive when compared to PPC. You can also optimize your website according to your budget.

Organic vs. Paid visitor

SEO searches attract organic visitors, while on the other hand Pay-per-click (PPC) is visitors resulting from paid advertisement.

Long Term Vs. Short Term Benefits

SEO optimizes your websites in order for them to benefit for a longer period of time, keeping in view the current marketing trends and strategies. PPC is focused on a short term campaign, boosting the traffic on your website for a limited or certain period of time.

Direct vs. Indirect Cost

Per-per-click (PPC) is to be paid as each visitor click your link. It is a kind of a direct payment you have to make to the search engines for each click on your link. While SEO is an indirect cost, you have to optimize your website for it, so you get attention of the search engines. You can also go through the SEO process on your own, if you have the idea how SEO works.


SEO is certainly not a waste of money, if you choose the right person or agency. The process may look slower and time consuming but certainly worth it for long term benefits. Beware of the people using shortcuts (BLACK HAT SEO methods) to promote your website as it can me damaging to your reputation.